How many Settle Down pills should I take?
Every person's brain chemistry and metabolic rate are different. When deciding on a proper amount of pills to take, we have people go through a personal inventory, or checklist, of their current feelings/symptoms. Let's say that a person is on the verge of a panic attack and they can feel that stirring, "jittery" sensation in their gut. We would have them rate how intense that feeling was and have them to take 2 or 3 pills.
Then, after 5 to 10 minutes pass, have them re-assess their overall state of being to see if they notice some (or all) of those symptoms reduced or gone. If the original symptoms are still as prominent as they were prior to taking the pills, then the person may need more. It is not harmful to take a higher dose. By adding 1 or 2 more pills at that time, the individual will most likely see a change in the symptoms. For younger children, a capsule can be broken open and a portion of the contents can be mixed into yogurt, applesauce, or any liquid drink. Again, if not changed